the role of mental health in education

Although mental health and mental illness are often used interchangeably, they differ. A person can have poor mental health but not necessarily be diagnosed with a mental illness. Today, research indicates that children and young people experience stress and anxiety like never before.

The school setting is a sensitive environment where someone can develop good or poor mental state.

What is Mental Health?

It is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with stress, understand their potential, and relate to others well. This topic affects all ages, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

Common Mental Disorders

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Social Phobia
  • Stress
  • Mood Disorders
  • Disruptive Behavior

Depression among young people is becoming a major health burden. The good news is that we can manage it by equipping them with knowledge about mental health.

Anxiety in Children and Youth

Did you know that anxiety disorder is a type of mental problem?

It ruins your day, and the common symptoms associated with it are fear, panic, sweating, rapid heartbeat, and nervousness.

In learning institutions, young people face many challenges. Some encounter mockery and other forms of bullying. Consequently, they develop anxiety, and do not know how to manage it.

If we do not address anxiety, the long-term effects are devastating. It can lead to depression and poor performance in academics and co-curricular activities. Additionally, most young people who sink into substance abuse are victims of poor mental health.

Why is Mental Health Education Important?

  1. Mental issues awareness can save lives – it can mitigate cases of suicides and self-harm.
  2. Early intervention of mental disorders can reduce their intensity.
  3. The knowledge of mental well-being enables learners to understand how to identify the symptoms of poor mental health. Ultimately, they can manage them well.
  4. Imparting this program in schools prepares pupils and students to maintain positive mental health.

How to Identify Mental Disorders in Schools and the Appropriate Mitigation Measures

In learning centers, mental disorders are associated with behavioral problems. An anxious learner may fail to do classwork or complete homework. In most cases, such young people do not speak in class; some develop school phobias.

Parting Shot

It is the collective responsibility of teachers, educational personnel, parents, governments, and other concerned groups to preach positive mental health to our children and youth. Moreover, learning institutions can have counselors, therapists, or school psychologists to boost the program. The earlier we create awareness on mental matters, the better!

How do you deal with mental issues? Contact a Psychologist or Therapist today.

By FalconProf
