importance of trees to the environment to combat global warming and climate change

Did you know that trees are the longest-living species on Earth? The importance of trees to the environment is limitless. As the mightiest plants on the planet, trees benefit us in many ways. The oxygen we breathe comes from these precious plants. Essentially, human beings and animals depend on trees for food.

Well, let’s explore the advantages of having trees around us!

7 Benefits of Trees to the Environment

1. Trees Combat Climate Change

These gigantic plants depend on carbon dioxide (CO2) for growth, and the carbon stored in their wood regulates global warming. Unfortunately, the quantity of carbon dioxide is fast building up in the atmosphere. This effect is catalyzed by human action of destroying trees. Therefore, we must do something to combat negative climate change.

So, please plant a tree today!

Read Global Warming and Climate Change…

2. Trees Regulate the Water Cycle

The water cycle is the process by which water circulates within the planet. It involves the water masses like oceans, atmosphere, and land. We get precipitation in the form of rain, sleet, and snow. Systematically, that drains in our streams, and return to the atmosphere through evaporation and transpiration.

How do trees support the water cycle?

Trees absorb water from the ground that falls as rain and releases back into the air as transpiration.

3. Support for Wildlife

Wildlife relies on trees for habitat. Furthermore, trees also host complex microhabitats and fascinating communities of insects, birds, lichen, fungi, and mammals such as bats. After all, most creatures depend on the safety of their forest home. Research estimates that around 28000 different species risk facing extinction if deforestation continues.

We can’t afford that, can we?

4. Trees Clean the Air

Naturally, trees have a way of absorbing odors and pollutant gases. They are the lungs of planet Earth. Amazingly, their air filtration mechanism also controls ammonia, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides.

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5. Trees as a Source of Food

All tasty fruits we enjoy come from these plants. Is there anything that can match their flavor?

Additionally, we get a lot of nutrients from trees alone; trees feed humans, birds, and wildlife.

6. Trees Stabilize Soil and Slopes

Without the support of trees, soil erosion can overwhelm us. Trees slow runoff and hold soil in place. Besides that, they stabilize forested slopes by providing root strength.

7. Trees for Medicine

Trees and nature help with illness too! It is believed that patients who are exposed to more natural settings heal faster with fewer complications. The wise men said, “An apple a day keeps the doctor awake!”

Above all, many species of trees make traditional and modern medicines. We can extract medicine from wood, bark, leaves, flowers, seeds, or roots.

Effect of Deforestation

Killing trees means destroying life on our lovely planet. What’s more, the reason why global warming is hitting us badly is due to deforestation. The following are the side effects of cutting down trees:

  • Destroys the habitat for wildlife
  • Encourages soil erosion
  • Contributes to food shortage
  • Increases greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
  • Destroys sources of water; for instance, cutting down trees harm the water catchment areas (human behavior is chasing away rain)
  • Ruins the economy – trees benefit us with timber, paper, fruits, and nuts
  • Increases flood and fires

Closing Remarks on the Importance of Trees

Trees give peace to the souls of men. Therefore, humanity should protect these plants. Each one of us should take the action of planting a tree today. Ultimately, trees provide us so many life essentials.

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By FalconProf
