artificial intelligence versus human intelligence

Popularly known as AI, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in our daily lives where machines behave like humans. There are many striking similarities between AI and human intelligence. Interestingly, both can process data, learn, and reason. Artificial intelligence is applicable in education, automobile, finance, medicine, manufacturing, and many other sectors.

Did you know that the foundation of AI is human intelligence? Yes, humans created AI in the first place.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is an interdisciplinary science that involves mathematics, psychology, linguistics, computer science, and neuroscience. The goal of AI is to create machines that behave like human beings – they automate tasks that humans would normally do.

If we compare a computer to a brilliant individual, a machine is able to perform a lot of work without getting tired. Additionally, it works with high speed and accuracy. In the modern world, we continue to witness new AI-driven technologies like Chat GPT, self-driving cars, smart virtual assistants, surgical robots, data mining programs, and more – all under the artificial intelligence umbrella.

What is Human Intelligence?

Human intelligence is the intellectual capability of humans to reason, perform mathematics and other complex tasks, recognize patterns, retain information, communicate with each other, or make inferences and decisions.

Is AI Smarter than Humans?

The debate of artificial intelligence versus human intelligence has been here for long, and we expect it to live with us. Nevertheless, which of the two is smarter?

Computers are excellent at solving problems. They are often superior in matters that involve convergent thinking. Today, companies use AI-powered technologies for production and decision-making. In the short run, artificial intelligence improves their output.

Artificial intelligence has a promising future, watch this space!

What about human intelligence, and will it be applicable in the future?

Recently, I read an article titled, Are Infants Smarter than Artificial Intelligence? The content left me with questions. According to the author, infants outperform AI in detecting what triggers other people’s actions. An adult or a baby can make an accurate guess about what influences human behavior. Although the foundation knowledge of babies is limited, they can challenge AI with their ability to reason. Humans also possess interpersonal skills. It is evident in their leadership qualities, patience, the power to listen, and teamwork.

By FalconProf
